Working with data on Swestore from Tetralith¶
Access methods¶
The Swestore documentation describes several protocols for acessing data on Swestore. Here is a guide how to work with data on Swestore using rclone from Tetralith. Rclone is available on log in nodes as well as on compute nodes on Tetralith. The full rclone documentation can be found here.
Browsing data on Swestore¶
It is possible to browse the Swestore storage through a web-page interface: Data can also be downloaded from this web page. Username and password is required for access.
Setting up rclone for Swestore¶
Instructions for how to configure rclone for Swestore con be found on the Swestore documentation page. Certificates are not needed, so follow the instructions for Username/Password authentiction.
Basic rclone usage¶
List directories
rclone lsd swestore:/snic/bolinc
Copy directories to Swestore
rclone copy -P /path/to/src swestore:/snic/bolinc/DESTINATION_DIRECTORY/src
Copy directories from Swestore
rclone copy -P swestore:/snic/bolinc/SOURCE_DIRECTORY/src /path/to/src
Script templates for fetching data from Swestore¶
Script exaples for processing data on Swestore can be found here: